Thursday, April 5, 2012

Why am I doing this blog???

     This is the first time I have used blogger and the first time I have participated in the world of blogging; therefore, my goal for this blog is to learn how to use all of the things that blogger has to offer. I want to see if I can get a good amount of followers and test out different ways of obtaining followers. I have begun to test out these functions by adding a couple of gadgets.
     I added two gadgets; I created my own poll for "favorite movies of March" and then I posted an mp3 clip gadget for "music genre of the week." The reason I added the movie poll is because I am a huge movie buff. I want my viewers to notice my interest in movies and to also have a more engaged experience on my page. I added the mp3 gadget to show my interest in music and the exact genre I am engaged in for the month. I also added it so viewers can find new music on my page and have music playing to make their experience more entertaining. The placement of my new gadgets have meaning behind them. I put the new gadgets on the left column of my blog because this is where my "about me"  section and my profile picture reside. Therefore, I added these gadgets to add to my personal profile.


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