Thursday, April 26, 2012

From the comfort of my dorm bed

As I am lounging here in my dorm bed, I find my self thinking how uncomfortable the bed can be. On the other hand I should be more optimistic; I am just happy its the weekend for me now and that this week is finally over.  This week proved to be a tough one for me; I had two midterms, a proposal due , a survey assignment due, a presentation on funding behind the Iranian media system and lastly this blog assignment I am in the process of writing right now. I love and hate weeks like this one. I hate them before they begin, because all I can think about is how much work is about to hit me. I love them because after I get done working my ass off throughout the week, it feels good to know that I got through all the stress and worked hard. Now that I am back in my room on my bed, I can't wait to sleep away this rainy day. On that note, good day, have a good weekend, and see you all next week when I post again.
This is exactly what I look like when I sleep!!!

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