Thursday, April 26, 2012

From the comfort of my dorm bed

As I am lounging here in my dorm bed, I find my self thinking how uncomfortable the bed can be. On the other hand I should be more optimistic; I am just happy its the weekend for me now and that this week is finally over.  This week proved to be a tough one for me; I had two midterms, a proposal due , a survey assignment due, a presentation on funding behind the Iranian media system and lastly this blog assignment I am in the process of writing right now. I love and hate weeks like this one. I hate them before they begin, because all I can think about is how much work is about to hit me. I love them because after I get done working my ass off throughout the week, it feels good to know that I got through all the stress and worked hard. Now that I am back in my room on my bed, I can't wait to sleep away this rainy day. On that note, good day, have a good weekend, and see you all next week when I post again.
This is exactly what I look like when I sleep!!!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

A comment is the "cherry on top"

Comments: write them and maybe you'll receive them?
What I got from Brogan's reading was that comments are nice; everyone loves a comment. It's like getting a present; it excites you and a comment is something that you usually can't wait to read. I totally agree with Brogan when he says that good blogs don't get commented enough. The only time I comment is when it relates to me or something in my life. I think I might start commenting more often when I see or read something I appreciate; you have got to give the love to feel the love!

Since I am talking about giving the love, why not start by commenting on my fellow classmates' posts. Here are some posts that agreed with and found interesting:

  1.  Mary S.
  2. Eric R.
  3.  Adrian

Media 470B Rocks!!!

What have I learned this wonderful spring quarter?!?

  • The most interesting concept I have learned about thus far is cloud computing. I have not subscribed to many cloud apps, but I am now realizing that a lot of the cites and tools I use on the internet are now using cloud computing. Cloud computing is such a great tool and I find it to be very convenient for consumers and corporations. I am very interested to see how cloud computing will evolve in the future. 
  • Honestly, I haven't found any of the material extremely boring; but if I had to pick, the least exciting would be going through the the second Industrial Revolution. I find the roots of our social age to be important but some times history can be not as exciting. Although, I found learning about the first Industrial Revolution to be interesting. 
  • Another reason I am very interested in this class is because of the tools it is teaching me to use. Before I enrolled in this class, I had never used a blog website and I did not realize how valuable social networking tools can be for personal and business use. I now know what tools to use depending on whether I am trying to push information or pull information. I will definitely use wikis to collaborate with future business partners and I will definitely use cites like Blogger and Twitter to communicate with costumers. I am also going to create a LinkIn profile and use that social network to my advantage. Social networking is every where know it will only become more standard and more important as time goes by. 
Picture Info:
I used this certain picture because essentially it puts an image on cloud computing. I also think it is a simple way of looking at cloud computing. 

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Wikis, Facebook, Twitter, many tools

I learned some important points from the reading which was assigned for my media class. I learned about many social media websites that I have never heard of (, Utterli). I also learned how different social neworking cites can be used to creat a quite large tool kit for personal and business use. The author Brogan suggests certain tools that would be good for busniess use. His five main tools include: a listening tool, blogging, mobile tools and social conversation, collaboration and shared documents , and instant messaging. After reading this chapter I have realized how important social networking can be to a business and how it can help a business. Using social neworking allows a business to form a two way relationship with the customer; this quick two conversation can be carried out through Twitter. All in all, businesses have a pleathera of social networking tools to choose from to more efficiently exist within the Social Age.

  • What is a wiki? A wiki is a collaborative tool that can be used to bring information from many sources to one destination.
  • The only wiki I have ever used in wikipedia; wikipedia has become a very effective tool for me. Wikipedia has especially been useful for me when trying to find out basic facts and information and also when starting research. All of this information came from different sources and the cite wikipedia is definitely a colllaborative tool. I believe wikis have other uses; wikis can definitely be effective within business communities when sharing basic information within a busness community.
  • If I owned a company, I would definitely look into starting a wiki for my business so my employees would have easy and fast access to information within my business.
My visit to Wikia:

  • When I visted Wikia there were many topics of discussion and collaboration including: entertainment, gaming, news, lifestyle, and Harry Potter.
  • All of these topic headers start out general and then if you pick one you get more discussions related to which ever topic you picked. All of the topics on here are relate to to subjects of high popularity (Harry Potter).
  • The wiki is organized into subjects (games, entertainment, news) and is not particularly attractive but drew me in with pictures. It is quite easy to find wikis of interest; I instantly was drawn to the music section and then from there I saw a lyricswiki. The lyric wiki is a collaboration of lyrics of popular songs and is organized in alphabetical order (quite easy). This cite makes good use of its template, tagging and it is very easy to find and use.
The highlighted areas emphasize the organization of the wiki and how easy it is to find what you want.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Scavenger hunt with T Cubed

A purple pen
Team Trending Topic (Joe F., Mary S., Amanda O., Adrian)
Scavenger hunts are always fun even on cold overcast days. Look at what we found:
A man in uniform! 
Three Ohio University logos
Athens brick
Historical land marker 
To celebrate the finish of the hunt we ended up at Big Mammas

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Facebook > Myspace

    Facebook has become the biggest social networking cite an has changed the world of social media forever. But what did I use before Facebook? I used Myspace. Facebook is definitely the social networking cite that I use the most and also like the most compared to all the others.
    Why do I use Facebook?:
  • to socialize with my existing friends
  • to instant message with friends
  • to post and view pictures
  • to learn about companies
  • to listen to music
  • to connect with people I meet
  • to stay connected with people I can't see in person
    Facebook is functional for me because it is fast and easy way to stay connected with family, friends, news, and corporations. I think Facebook would be better if the user could personalize his or her profile by being able to change the template, design, and colors of the profile. Facebook's essential quality is its ability to be collaborative. Facebook allows people to create groups and events based off of similar interests.

This is one of my favorite functions of Facebook. This function allows me to see how other people view my profile, whether it be family, friend, or the public. This allows me to make sure my privacy settings are how I want them to be.
    Back to Myspace; I used to use Myspace as much as I use Facebook now. The reason I stopped using Myspace was because Facebook came out with a way of social networking that was easier to use and was more effecient. I also stopped using Myspace because everyone else had done so as well. I did not continue to use it because no one else was really using it. Myspace had this niche of high school ge viewers; so once I got to college I felt the need to use Facebook as my main social networking hub. I also like the aesthetic look to Facebook better than Myspace. Lets just say once you go Facebook you never go back.

Why am I doing this blog???

     This is the first time I have used blogger and the first time I have participated in the world of blogging; therefore, my goal for this blog is to learn how to use all of the things that blogger has to offer. I want to see if I can get a good amount of followers and test out different ways of obtaining followers. I have begun to test out these functions by adding a couple of gadgets.
     I added two gadgets; I created my own poll for "favorite movies of March" and then I posted an mp3 clip gadget for "music genre of the week." The reason I added the movie poll is because I am a huge movie buff. I want my viewers to notice my interest in movies and to also have a more engaged experience on my page. I added the mp3 gadget to show my interest in music and the exact genre I am engaged in for the month. I also added it so viewers can find new music on my page and have music playing to make their experience more entertaining. The placement of my new gadgets have meaning behind them. I put the new gadgets on the left column of my blog because this is where my "about me"  section and my profile picture reside. Therefore, I added these gadgets to add to my personal profile.