Sunday, May 27, 2012

Facebook Mobile App

Mobile and Connected

The great thing about Facebook is that it keeps evolving. In my opinion, the release of the Facebook mobile app is the main reason that Facebook has been able to evolve and also become increasingly successful. The mobile app allows users to stay connected from almost anywhere. Staying connected is a big element of the Social Age. This mobile app allows users to update statuses, take pics and videos, and post them in real time. The Facebook mobile app could be looked as authentic global media. People can get real news, pictures, and videos from real people and sources all around the world.
Joe Hewitt

Who created the Facebook mobile app?
Joe Hewitt created the Facebook mobile app for the iPhone. He is a software developer who used to work for Facebook and has worked on projects for Firefox as well. Facebook used their online website to promote the Facebook mobile app. is the perfect platform to promote the release of this app because it has the ability to reach a mass audience instantly. 

1 comment:

  1. True - Facebook is with us wherever we go, like it or not! Nice post, interesting information.
