Sunday, May 20, 2012

Big Mamma's Burritos!!!!

Hello all, 
What have I been doing this past week? Lets just say "Big Mamma's Burritos" has been taking up a lot of my time this past week. Early in the week my group had to put together a viral video and post it on youtube for a group project; I thought of the stomach stuffing idea of doing the "mega mamma challenge" at Big Mamma's Burritos. The challenge is to eat a 5 pound burrito in 20 minutes! Whaaaaaat!?!? Since I am an employee at Big Mamma's Burritos, I felt that I had to try the challenge. I thought this was a great idea, because the video could also be used to promote Big Mamma's Burritos. I ended the weekend with working a very long and busy 8 hour shift (8pm-4am) at Big Mamma's. So much Big Mamma's in my life! The video will better explain the mega mamma challenge: 
You can also find the video at Big Mamma's Burritos Facebook page. 

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